Hello Kimberly. This is a header-1

Hello Kimberly. This is a header-2

Hello Kimberly. This is a header-3

Hello Kimberly. This is a header-4

Hello Kimberly. This is a header-5
Hello Kimberly. This is a header-6

Hello Kimberly. This is a paragraph.

Hello Kimberly. This is a link.

Hello Kimberly. This is an image.

Felis catus-cat on snow
Felis catus-cat on snow
Felis catus-cat on snow.
200x200 Placeholder image.
Centered Image.
Placeholder image.

Hello Kimberly.

Hello Kimberly. This is an unordered list

Hello Kimberly. This is an ordered list

  1. Coffee
  2. Tea
  3. Milk

Hello Kimberly. This sentence is below a line

Hello Kimberly. This is normal text

Hello Kimberly. This is red text

Hello Kimberly. This is blue text

Hello Kimberly. This is big text

Hello Kimberly. This is a Veranda font

Hello Kimberly. This is a Courier font.

Hello Kimberly. This is a centered.

Hello Kimberly. This is scaled text.

Kimberly. These

Hello Kimberly. This text is bold.

Hello Kimberly. This text is "strong"

Hello Kimberly. This text is i-talics.

Hello Kimberly. This text is emphasized.

Hello Kimberly. This text is small.

Hello Kimberly. This text is highlighted/marked

Hello Kimberly. This text is deletedinserted

Hello Kimberly. This text is subscripted

Hello Kimberly. This text is superscripted

Hello Kimberly. This text is quoted

Hello Kimberly. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted. This text is blockquoted.
Hello Kimberly
This text
is in a mailing address style
San Diego, CA

Hello Kimberly. This GD text is an example of an abbreviation.

Hello Kimberly. This is a citation

This text reads from left to right, and...

This text reads from right to left

Hello Kimberly. This is an absolute link to something on the WWW W3C

Hello Kimberly. This is a relative link to something localReadme

The push() method adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 \ -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 22 \ -c:a copy \ output.mp4
      ffmpeg -i input.mp4 \
           -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 22 \
           -c:a copy \