Photos 1 - Homestay

August 13, 2015

I have been slacking on posting photos as speedy internet access is not as prevalent here as I had expected.  Here are some select photos from the Homestay portion of Pre-Service Training (PST).

The family. Guess which one is adopted?
The family. Guess which one is adopted?
Homestay family’s compound. My room is in the back left.
Homestay family’s compound. My room is in the back left.
Men from three different families collaborating to plant rice. My homestay brother Sedu is in the yellow. Niger river in the far background.
Men from three different families collaborating to plant rice. My homestay brother Sedu is in the yellow. Niger river in the far background.
Farewell party the village threw the volunteers in front of the Dugutigi’s house (village chief). Dancing took place in the middle of the main road through the village.
Farewell party the village threw the volunteers in front of the Dugutigi’s house (village chief). Dancing took place in the middle of the main road through the village.